Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Die Kunst der Hausmusik

I have spent much of the morning looking for a place I can watch Die Kunst der Hausmusik by Werner Boote without buying a plane ticket to Austria.   It's about the value of kids learning music.  I love documentaries and while not scary it is a subject I find important (watch Plastic Planet by Werner if you want to see some disturbing truths).  I do not play anything more complicated than a cd player, but all 4 of my kids do.  They have always been surrounded by a variety of music, especially classical.  Currently only one is pursuing a career in music, but just knowing how to play has benefits far beyond making a living at it.    Rather than list different links here is a link to the google search on music and intelligence correlation.   http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=music+and+intelligence+correlation&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ei=aIVfT46gEeeyiQKdxZ2_BA&ved=0CBsQgQMwAA

Music is good for kids.  Good for adults too.  Even though I don't play anything very well I use music as a tool to brighten my moods and help me through difficult days.  Seems like a much better way than popping some pill and letting chemicals do the work.  

so far no luck finding a place to watch this particular documentary - and I do realize it's in German, so it's going to take me awhile to get through it when I do finally locate it.  The most useful phrase I ever learned in German was "Langsame bitte, ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch."  Usually the wide eyes and pleading expression (plus I was 16 and cute) was enough to get people to slow down so I could stumble along with the conversation.  Now when I watch shows in German or Spanish (know a little of that too) I watch them through once picking up what I and and then go through them again, backing up until I have figured out what people are saying.  Takes awhile, but is worth it since the US does NOT have a lock on interesting cinematography.  

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